Woman's World May 20, 2024 | Page 4

Toast to the weekend with a delightfully fruity sangria , perfect for enjoying with friends and loved ones .
To make White Sangria : In a 3-qt . pitcher , combine 4 cups of white grape juice , 1 orange ( sliced ), 1 apple ( cored and sliced ) and 1 cup

Fill your week

SATURDAY , MAY 25 NATIONAL WINE DAY Wine — made sweeter !

of red and green grape halves . Refrigerate juice mixture at least 1 hour . Just before serving in punch bowl , combine juice mixture with 2 cups chilled white wine ( like Riesling ). Garnish individual glasses with strawberries if desired . Serves 10 .
You know that amazing feeling when you go to bed knowing your entire house is clean ? Yeah , neither do I .

Bring in beauty

Arranging flowers in colored vases or clear glass bottles filled with tinted water creates a color-soaked display that ’ s perfect for showcasing each bloom ’ s beauty . To do : Fill 8 small vases or glass bottles ( like old perfume or drink bottles ) with water , then add a drop of blue , purple , green or red food coloring to each to color the water a pretty hue ; stir . Pop one large fluffy bloom ( like a dahlia , peony or hydrangea ) into each bottle , then display taller bottles behind smaller bottles so you can see each flower . So pretty !

Seek the sun !

As if we need another reason to step outside and soak up that May sunshine , researchers at Tufts University report that doing so can help ward off type 2 diabetes . Their analysis of three studies of more than 4,000 people with prediabetes revealed that those who supplemented with vitamin D , which the body produces when the skin is exposed to sunlight , were up to 76 % less likely to develop type 2 diabetes . How ? Vitamin D enhances insulin sensitivity , improving blood-sugar control . To get the perks , simply spend 15 minutes outside without sunscreen each day .
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Give troops some TLC

Do you have new travel-size toiletries , emery boards or nail clippers to spare ? If so , send them to Operation : Care and Comfort . This nonprofit will send the items to troop members stationed abroad . Mail items to Operation : Care and Comfort ( OCC ), 2731 North First Street , San Jose , CA 95134 .