Woman's World May 20, 2024 | Page 22


“ CBD alleviated my anxiety !”

For years , Connie Stauffer suffered with chronic fatigue that left her feeling anxious and stressed . Then she found the life-changing natural remedy that revived and calmed her

Where did the time go ? Connie Stauffer sighed when she realized nearly an hour had passed while she took a “ quick ” break on the couch before making lunch for herself and her husband . Chronic mental and physical fatigue left Connie , who had always been active , struggling to muster the energy to do even one load of laundry without having to rest .

Connie ’ s vitality began slipping away in 2012 , when she was diagnosed with adrenal fatigue , a condition believed to indicate your adrenal glands are not producing the correct amounts of hormones like adrenaline , cortisol and others . It causes extreme fatigue , dizziness and even feeling faint .
Her health issues left Connie anxious and unable to handle even minor stress . She always felt edgy and irritable . A combination of supplements and
“ CBD can help relieve pain , reduce inflammation and lower anxiety .” — Ian Smith , M . D .
dietary changes that included avoiding inflammatory foods , like gluten , nuts and corn , recommended by her doctor , finally restored her adrenal function .
However , afternoon fatigue still plagued Connie and left her wondering if she ’ d ever reclaim her life . That worry kept Connie ’ s stress and anxiety high . And they ramped up even higher when her husband was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer .
A surprising solution Then , one day in January of 2022 , while searching for natural stress relievers online , Connie read how CBD ( cannabidiol ) drops containing CBG ( cannabigerol , a more concentrated compound derived from young hemp plants ) can help relieve anxiety . Like CBD , CBG doesn ’ t have psychoactive effects , and when combined , the two enhance the plant ’ s synergy , strengthening the benefits of both . Connie also
“ I am healthier mentally and physically ,” says Connie
learned that studies have found CBD can help normalize adrenal gland function and lower overall stress in the body by balancing stress hormones . Hopeful , Connie decided to try it .
She discovered there were numerous brands of CBD with CBG available , ( like Blue Sky Max Relief , BlueSky-CBD . com ). She ordered a bottle and began putting one dropperful , per the label recommendation , under her tongue daily .
Within days , Connie felt more energized than she had in a decade . She also noticed she wasn ’ t as anxious or moody , leaving her better able to support her husband as his health deteriorated . Sadly , he passed away in August of 2023 .
“ CBD / CBG has had a huge impact on my overall health and well-being , especially during such an incredible life-changing , stressful event . My doctor even credits it with helping to keep my adrenal function normal ,” Connie , 71 , says . “ It ’ s been an answer to my prayers .”
— Gina Roberts-Grey
Natural ways to support your adrenal glands
Sip this : Peppery holy basil tea soothes an overworked fight-or-flight stress response that taxes adrenal glands . It ’ s so effective , Indian researchers found that people who sipped a daily cup cut their stress response in half and curbed chronic exhaustion by up to 78 %.
Take a healing supplement : Overworked adrenals can lead to constantly rattled nerves . But simply supplementing with the herb ashwagandha slows the release of stress-causing cortisol from the adrenals , reducing edginess and anxiety by 70 %.
Try a fake-cation : Escaping stressors gives the adrenals a chance to reset . Even faking a vacation can be beneficial . U . K . research suggests a 10-minute break to “ plan ” a trip , like imagining the sites you ’ ll see , effectively gives your adrenals time off to heal .
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