Woman's World May 20, 2024 | Page 21

Get your best sleep by gardening
Quiet ringing ears with a ‘ spinach ’ pill
Bring back a smile with dancing
Calm a cough with honey and coffee


Get your best sleep by gardening

Does this sound like you night after night : You struggle to fall asleep , can ’ t stay asleep or wake up tired ? New research in the journal Complementary Therapies in Medicine reveals an easy , pill-free solution : gardening ! When study volunteers plagued by sleep problems tried it , they fell asleep faster and got deeper , more restful Zzzs within 14 days . Whether you create an outdoor flower patch or indoor herb garden , the visual beauty , wonderful aromas and soft textures of live plants tamp down anxiety , helping you relax at bedtime .
OR STRETCH ! Researchers out of Brazil found that insomniacs who did 45 minutes of gentle stretches ( which you can easily do while watching TV before bed ) three times a week fell asleep faster , slept 23 minutes longer and snoozed more soundly . Stretching eases physical and emotional tension for deeper sleep .

Quiet ringing ears with a ‘ spinach ’ pill

If you have ringing or hissing in your ears due to tinnitus , there ’ s an easy way to reduce the racket : Take a multivitamin with minerals once a day along with 300 mg of alpha lipoic acid ( ALA ) twice a day . A Greek study found that people with tinnitus who did so had a significant decrease in loudness in three months . Antioxidants from ALA ( found in spinach , broccoli and walnuts ) and other nutrients in your multi ( like vitamin E ) reverse oxidative stress that damages inner-ear hair cells and nerve fibers .
OR MOVE SLOW ! German scientists found that tinnitus patients who practiced the ancient exercise of qigong twice a week had a decrease in noise in one month . It curbs stress , which has been linked to ear ringing . Search YouTube for “ daily qigong routine .”

Bring back a smile with dancing

Kick up your heels in a square dancing class or shimmy to some tunes at home . Australian scientists found that regularly dancing leads to “ large reductions ” in down moods for people with depression . Dancing regulates brain chemistry in a way that boosts positivity ( such as by increasing a protein called the brain-derived neurotrophic factor ). Plus , it ’ s fun !

Calm a cough with honey and coffee

Have a cough that ’ s been lingering after a pesky spring cold ? Savor 1 tsp . of honey and 1 cup of caffeinated coffee twice a day . A study in the Primary Care Respiratory Journal shows that within one week , your cough will ease even more than if you took prescribed steroids . Anti-inflammatory honey tames swelling and heals throat tissue while caffeine reduces pain and acts as a bronchodilator to aid breathing .
OR NIBBLE CHOCOLATE ! Dark chocolate is rich in the compound theobromine , which U . K . researchers found deactivates sensory nerves , turning off the urge to cough .
OR PLAY BRIDGE ! A U . K . study found that participating in a club ( like bridge or knitting ) lowers depression risk by giving you a chance to socialize with those who share your interests , boosting self-esteem .
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