Woman's World May 20, 2024 | Page 11

Natalie with her Nana ’ s BMW , gifted to her
Natalie found her Nana ’ s diary of memories
Natalie ’ s
Nana was like a second mom to her bus arrived . Instead of hanging out with friends during her spring breaks in high school , Natalie would hop on a plane to her grandparents ’ house . When she went to college in South Florida , near her grandparents ’ home , she would visit often — driving over in her Nana ’ s BMW , which she ’ d gifted Natalie ( and always with a pack of strawberry Mentos ).
Sadly , as close as they were , Natalie never had the chance to bid her grandmother a personal farewell . She had to say her goodbyes over the phone — a heartwrenching moment .
“ I told her how much I loved her and that I was sorry that I was not there . I thanked her for a wonderful childhood , and I let her know that it was okay to let go ,” Natalie shares .
A treasured gift
As Natalie , her mother , and younger brother began the task of clearing out her grandparents ’ home , an unexpected urge led Natalie to search for her old Harry Potter books . Venturing into the garage , she found a box with her childhood collection . Among them , an unmarked book caught her attention . It was a softbound beige scrapbook with a tiny pink rose on the cover .
“ To have all of these incredibly loving and kind words from my grandma is surreal .”
To Natalie ’ s astonishment , it chronicled her life .
The first entry was made the night before Natalie was born — May 23 , 2002 : Stephanie and Vic left this morning to embark on a new path , the baby road . Hopefully , we will hear our long-awaited news — the very first , very special Carlomagno .
Flipping through , Natalie found many heartfelt notes : Natalie is one week today and all is well . Another page marked a huge milestone : Today you &
I have a secret . You took 6 steps all alone . We can ’ t tell Mommy or Daddy . They have to be the first ones to see you walk .
There were also bittersweet entries . Often I wish my own mother could get just one look at you . She would just love you to death , as we all do .

3 ways to create a time capsule for your loved ones 2


Pass on a recipe
“ It ’ s not just about keeping memories ; it ’ s about keeping that person ’ s voice and love alive ,” says trauma therapist Arielle Jordan , LCPC . “ If you know your family loves the way you make baklava , handwrite the recipe and put it in a keepsake box with other mementos .”
Share family history
Save pictures and record information about ancestors , traditions and how the family evolved over the years , Jordan suggests . It ’ s a wonderful way for loved ones to connect the dots , she explains . “ These little tidbits are like lifelines for our loved ones when we ’ re gone .”
There was even an entry about their time in the BMW : You love to go into my car , turn on the lights , flick the blinkers , climb all over the car & generally enjoy yourself . You are my joy and my love .
Touched , Natalie shared her find on social media — the post currently has 8.6 million views — and messages poured in , many from grandparents inspired to create similar journals for their grandchildren and others from people wishing they , too , had such a precious memento .
Despite the grief of losing her grandmother , having the diary has provided Natalie with a sense of peace . “ I feel that she meant for me to find it ,” Natalie says emotionally . “ Finding this journal is all the more special because due to her Alzheimer ’ s , she hadn ’ t any idea who I was for a long time . To have all of these incredibly loving and kind words from her is surreal . Thank you , Nana .” — Adrienne Farr


Write a letter
When a loved one accomplishes something , big or small , along with verbal recognition , write about it , Jordan says . “ A note about how proud you were when they passed a test in third grade or got their first job will evoke fond memories . It says , ‘ I was here and I thought of you .’”
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