Woman's World May 20, 2024 | Page 10


Her grandmother ’ s last gift of love

inspires millions

Natalie ( inset ) was touched to learn her grandmother had kept a diary about her
Grandma Susan was thrilled to meet newborn Natalie
Natalie took her first steps with her Nana
In the solemn days following her grandmother ’ s passing , Natalie Carlomagno found solace in an unexpected treasure — a journal in which her grandmother had woven a tapestry of memories that would illuminate their beautiful relationship in ways that Natalie had never imagined

Natalie Carlomagno ’ s heart ached , when , in the fall of 2023 , her beloved 81-year-old maternal grandmother , Susan Bowden , was diagnosed with cancer that was so aggressive , there were no treatment options . Still , the 21-year-old Tallahassee , Florida , college student didn ’ t expect to lose her so quickly . But just one month later , her “ Nana ,” who also suffered from Alzheimer ’ s , passed away .

To compound the grief , Natalie ’ s grandfather died that December , after years of battling an undiagnosed illness .
Raised by a single mom , Natalie had spent countless hours at her grandparents ’ home growing up . Now , she held tightly to those precious memories .
An unbreakable bond
A lot of Natalie ’ s favorite moments as a youngster had been spent in her Nana ’ s shiny white BMW .
“ She ’ d pick me up from elementary school every day . She always had a pack of strawberry Mentos and gave me two for the ride home ,” Natalie fondly recalls .
As Natalie grew , so did the bond with her grandmother . They even remained close when Natalie , her mom and little brother moved to Marietta , Georgia . Natalie would call her grandmother every morning and they ’ d chat until the school
Courtesy Carlomagno Family ( 3 )
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