Woman's World May 20, 2024 | Page 24


Walk off 19

“ It Worked For Me ”
We ’ re always looking for ways to make a simple walking workout easier and more effective — and thanks to reader Deb Stone , we hit gold . The New Jersey grandmother , 65 , told us that after many years when shapeup efforts seemed to make little difference , a brilliant yellow spice became her secret weapon . “ My mom and aunts have joint issues and were told to take turmeric . Then my friend who lost 200 pounds recommended a supplement with turmeric ,” says Deb , who added daily doses of turmeric to a regimen of Mediterranean-style meals and five walks a week . The next thing Deb knew , her chronic tummy trouble and fatigue were gone , her mood and sleep were transformed and she ’ d shed 74 pounds . Keep reading to learn why experts say turmeric can help millions of us get equally amazing results . — BY ALLISON NEMETZ

After we talked to Deb , we did some digging and discovered studies that show adding turmeric to walking and portion control burns belly fat up to 3.1 times faster and boosts total weight loss 6.2 times ( versus the same strategies with no spice ).

Turns out , toasty-sweet turmeric contains an active compound called curcumin that gives it powers traditional healers have relied on since ancient times . “ It eases joint pain , improves cholesterol , stimulates brain function , reverses fatigue and much more ,” reveals integrative health expert and The Hot Belly Diet author Suhas Kshirsagar , B . A . M . S ., M . D . He adds that walking “ stimulates circulation , helping enhance
Deb lost 74 pounds !
When Deb Stone ’ s doctor ordered a sleep apnea test , it felt like the last straw . “ I was at my heaviest and knew my health would keep getting worse if I didn ’ t change ,” recalls the New Jersey grandmother . So Deb saw a nutritionist , hit the library and got advice from her 200-pounds-slimmer friend Barbara . Then she settled into a routine including daily turmeric , Mediterranean-style fare tracked with the Noom app , a little yoga and walks most days . “ Walking and turmeric are both accessible and affordable . They ’ re a great pair !” At first only able to walk one block , Deb was soon up to 6 miles at a pop . “ I ’ d lost 40 pounds before my sleep apnea test , so we cancelled it .” Today , she ’ s 74 pounds lighter . “ My mood and sleep are better , I ’ m less stressed . I took a lot of little steps and went really far !”
BEFORE delivery of nutrients like curcumin to tissues throughout the body .” So all the perks you ’ d normally get from just turmeric or just walking are amplified . And the effect is potent !
Soothing yourself slim Clinical tests show turmeric soothes away 59 % of inflammation inside us , which Dr . Suhas says beats Advil and Tylenol . And a UC San Diego team found that walking triggers an anti-inflammatory nervous system response , slashing inflammation in just 20 minutes . As you ’ d expect , this reduces pain from conditions like arthritis or plantar fasciitis , making activity more comfortable .
And here ’ s a nice surprise : Soothing

Fun ways to

To enhance weight loss and health with turmeric , experts suggest 2 1 ⁄ 2 to 5 tsp . daily , which delivers 500 to 1,000 mg of the active ingredient curcumin . ( It ’ s fine to get some or all from a supplement .) Aim to be active at least 30 minutes most days . And use common sense at meals , sticking to healthier fare and enjoying moderate portions . We ’ ve got tasty turmericspiked ideas to get you started .