Woman's World May 20, 2024 | Page 16

Skillet-Fried Chili Steak Tacos

Healthy , happy & feeling

Loving key to stress-free

With summer around the corner , we want to feel relaxed and upbeat . The key : lifting levels of oxytocin . Dubbed the ‘ love hormone ’ for the role it plays in romantic attraction and motherchild bonding , oxytocin delivers a bevy of benefits . Findings in the International Journal of Neuroscience reveal the hormone helps protect against depression , anxiety and stress . Plus , it eases migraines , muscle pain and back pain . Just …

✓ tryptophan : turkey , pork , salmon and eggs .

Bite into a cheeseburger
Or enjoy chicken Parmesan . Beef , chicken and cheese are rich sources of the amino acid tryptophan . That ’ s good news , since Dutch research in the journal Psychopharmacology suggests that enjoying 3 to 4 servings of foods high in tryptophan lifts oxytocin within one day . Tryptophan enhances production of serotonin , a natural chemical that ’ s converted into oxytocin . Some other tasty foods that supply
Skillet-Fried Chili Steak Tacos
1 lb . boneless beef sirloin steak ( 3 ⁄ 4 " thick )
1 tsp . chili powder 12 6 " flour tortillas
1 cup cilantro leaves
1 cup corn kernels
1 cup pickled jalapeño slices
Sour cream and hot sauce
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Phone a friend or loved one Spending time with those you love is a surefire way to send oxytocin soaring . But when face-to-face visits aren ’ t possible or practical , reach out via your phone instead . In a study published in the journal Evolution and Human Behavior , phone conversations proved as effective at increasing oxytocin as in-person
1 Rub steak with chili powder . Heat large nonstick skillet over mediumhigh heat . Add steak ; cook , flipping once , 2 – 3 min . per side for mediumrare or until desired doneness . Transfer to cutting board ; loosely cover with foil . Let sit 10 min .
2 Cut steak into 1 ⁄ 4 " -thick slices . Fill tortillas with cilantro leaves , corn , jalapeños and sliced steak ; top with sour cream and hot sauce . Serves 6 . encounters did . Researchers explain simply hearing a trusted voice lowers levels of cortisol , a stress hormone that impedes oxytocin release .
Give your scalp

✓ a massage

It does more than invigorate hair follicles . Recent findings in the journal Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine reveal it increases your oxytocin levels too ! The reason : Soothing massaging motions stimulate nerve
The steak in this hearty dish is rich in tryptophan , which ups happy hormones
Note : Check with your health care provider before supplementing receptors in the skin , which send signals to the brain that trigger an uptick in oxytocin production . To do : Using the fingertips of both hands , apply gentle pressure to your temples , moving in small circles from the sides of your head to the top of your scalp . Then continue down the back of your head , finishing by the nape of your neck .
Sniff these

✓ herbal scents

A compound called linalool found in certain herbs has a powerful ability to lift oxytocin levels . So say Japanese researchers , who found significant oxytocin upticks in folks who inhaled linalool-containing essential oils such as lavender and clary sage for 20 minutes . To get the benefits , scent your space with either oil using an essential oil diffuser . Or dab a few drops of oil on a cotton ball , then seal it in a zip-top bag and pop it in your purse so you can sniff for an on-the-go boost . — Melissa Gotthardt