Woman's World May 13, 2024 | Page 17

great at any age

Mindfulness made easy

We hear the word ‘ mindfulness ” everywhere these days , and new research finds that anchoring ourselves in the present moment really can make us happier and less stressed . These three fun tricks make it easy to incorporate mindfulness meditation into your everyday life — especially if you ’ ve never tried it before !
Blow bubbles Remember the joy you got from blowing bubbles as a kid ? That simple pleasure embodies the essence of breathwork meditation . Dutch research suggests that intentionally exhaling slower and longer than inhaling ( a technique known as “ long exhale ”) stimulates the vagus nerve to reverse the body ’ s stress response . No bubbles ? Deeply inhale through your nose , then exhale through pursed lips ( like
you ’ re blowing a bubble ) for twice as long as your inhale . Do this for 5 minutes once daily .
Savor a treat It ’ s one of the most delicious ways to meditate , and mindfully enjoying your favorite treat can connect you to the present moment , suggests research . Try this : Begin with a square of chocolate or little cube of cheese . Now , imagine you ’ re a toddler tasting this
food for the first time and engage all your senses to experience everything about it — from its appearance and aroma to its texture and flavor . This type of acute focus trains the brain to experience life ’ s simple joys with renewed delight .
Widen your vision Taking 30 seconds to make your vision “ wide ”— as though you ’ re seeing the world around you as a movie on the big
screen — increases a sense of calm and happiness , suggests Stanford research . In the distant past , our ancestors scanned the horizon , homing in on potential threats . Even today when we ’ re stressed , our field of vision narrows to take in details rather than the full picture . By consciously widening your gaze , you signal to your brain that all is well , boosting your mood and ability to enjoy the here and now . — Ann Green

Make every step pain-free

As the weather turns balmy , you ’ d hate to be sidelined from strolling around the farmers market by plantar fasciitis . This heel pain is caused by inflammation of the plantar fascia ( which runs from your heel to the ball of your foot ). Here ’ s how to ease the ache naturally
Stand on a pillow As soon as you wake up , put a pillow on the floor and a pair of slippers next to it . Stand on the pillow and rock back and forth for 60 to 90 seconds , then step straight into your slippers . Ohio University Medical School experts say this gently loosens up the plantar fascia and gives your muscles time to “ warm up ” before stepping onto a less forgiving surface , providing instant relief from overnight plantar fasciitis pain .
Stretch it out While seated , place your right ankle on your left knee . Grab your toes and gently pull them toward your shin for a count of 10 . Repeat 10 times , then do the same with the other foot . Done three times a day , this relieves plantar fasciitis pain in over 90 % of people , say University of Rochester scientists .
Rub in relief
Stir 1 ⁄ 2 tsp . of cayenne pepper into 1 Tbs . of your favorite lotion and rub it into your heel . Cayenne contains a compound called capsaicin that works as effectively as NSAID creams to ease pain , British scientists say . It blocks activity of nerve cells in the skin that send pain signals .
Swap shoes
If you have plantar fasciitis , try to avoid wearing the same pair of shoes two days in a row — especially if you ’ ll be spending a lot of time on your feet . Northwestern scientists say this helps avoid the repeated straining that can trigger plantar fasciitis .
Do a p . m . cooldown Wrapping an ice pack around your foot ( or rolling a frozen water bottle underneath it ) for 20 minutes before bed calms pain . Loma Linda University scientists found that icing quells inflammation and significantly curbs swelling of plantar fascia itself , the band of tissue that causes pain . — Alex Fulton
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