Woman's World May 13, 2024 | Page 10


She saved her mother ’ s life

with two transplants !

Julia , holding Eileen when she was an infant
Eileen Harlin had always been close to her mom , Julia . She couldn ’ t imagine life without her . So when Julia ’ s liver failed , Eileen donated part of her own . That was amazing enough . But the next year , Eileen stepped up again and gave her mom a kidney !
A year after giving her mom a part of her liver , Eileen
( right ) gave her a kidney

On Mother ’ s Day of 2022 , Eileen Harlin drove from her home in Windsor , Pennsylvania , to her parents ’ house in Frederick , Maryland . She had big news and couldn ’ t think of a better day to share it with her mom , Julia .

“ I know you ’ ll be mad at me , Mom , but for the past few months , I ’ ve been getting tested . We ’ ve scheduled surgery .”
Julia , in shock , sat silently , tears rolling down her face . Diagnosed with nonalcoholic cirrhosis in 2021 , the mom of five had been waiting for months for a donor liver , but even as she grew sicker and weaker , she made it clear that she did not want any of her children to donate . She didn ’ t want them to go through the stress of testing and risk of surgery , and she didn ’ t want to worry about them .
But watching their mother suffering was too much to bear . Each of her children wanted to help . But Eileen felt she was the best candidate . Her brother and three sisters all have children — Julia has 12 grandchildren . Eileen , however , is single and has no kids . So , putting her lifetime fear of needles aside , she got tested and was overjoyed to learn she was a match .
“ Are you sure ?” Eileen ’ s father , Donald , asked , his eyes filled with tears .
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